Virtual Desktops VS Remote Desktops

August 10, 2021

Virtual Desktops VS Remote Desktops

Whether you are managing a small business or a large corporation, ensuring that your employees have access to shared computing resources is essential. Virtual desktops and remote desktops provide ways of doing this. In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between virtual and remote desktops to understand which one better fits your needs.

What are Virtual Desktops?

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) employs software to create a virtualized desktop environment, where each user has a "virtual" computer. Every virtual desktop system runs on a centralized server that has the power to store, manage, and run multiple desktops. Users can access virtual desktops from any device with internet access, and any application installed on those devices can run on a virtual desktop.

Some benefits of using Virtual Desktops are:

  • Security: Virtual Desktops enable users to keep data physically separated.
  • Scalability: VDI provides adaptability to add or remove virtual desktops depending on the requirement.
  • Cost-Efficient: VDI helps you save money on hardware endpoints while still achieving excellent performance levels.

What are Remote Desktops?

Remote Desktop Services (RDS) utilize a remote network interface to interact with a desktop, computer, or application hosted on another networked device. Remote desktops, also known as Terminal Services, operate on a hypervisor-powered server that manages desktop sessions separately from the host's computer. Users need an RDS client to access and connect to a remote desktop.

Some benefits of using Remote Desktops are:

  • Productivity: Employees can access desktops and applications from anywhere, boosting productivity.
  • Collaboration: It enables your team members to work together on projects more effortlessly and quickly.
  • Centralized Management: Remote Desktops are often viewed as a cost-effective solution as they require less maintenance and can be easily managed through IT centralization.

Virtual Desktop VS Remote Desktop: Which is Better?

Virtual Desktops and Remote Desktops are both dynamic solutions, and they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Here's a quick comparison:

Features Virtual Desktops Remote Desktops
Security & Privacy 4 3
Support & Maintenance 4 3
Performance 3 4
Collaboration 3 4
Cost 3 4

Scale 1-5 (1 being lowest and 5 being highest)

If you are looking for a cost-effective and centralized management solution, remote desktops might be the better option. On the other hand, if security and data privacy are your primary concerns, along with scalability, virtual desktops could be the more appropriate choice.


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